Wednesday 20 February 2013

Sticky Pear and Almond Scrolls

So you don't have coconut flour. Or coconut oil. Or almond meal. Or walnuts.

Righti-o then - time to substitute!

When I read recipes I thoroughly believe substitution is all good. The recipe asks for cows milk and you only have soy, that's cool. The recipe was 2 cups Almond Meal and you only have a cup - sweet just put some coconut flour in there. The recipe asks for apples, you have pears.... you get my drift!

As you probably know by now we don't really have any packaged or store bought treats at home. We have dried dates, almonds, and the only things in packages are normally flours or teas.

James has a massive sweet tooth though and on Saturday night he asked for the Apple and Walnut scrolls I'd made before

The ingredients looked like this:

  • 1/2 cup walnuts (crushed up in your hands will do!)
  • 1/2 cup honey
  • 2 cups  wholemeal self-raising flour
  • 40g butter, chilled, chopped
  • 2/3 cup almond milk
  • 1/4 cup firmly packed brown sugar
  • 2 apples diced
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 teaspoon mixed spice

So I said yeh baby, no problems, I'll make one now. No need to stress! Just make it up as you go along, cooking is meant to be fun!

This is not a 'clean' treat, but it's a nice homemade treat to make - it looks great and I think it's pretty simple!

  • 1/2 cup roast almonds - lightly crushed in mortar and pestle
  • 1/2 cup honey
  • 2 cups self-raising flour
  • 40g coconut oil
  • 2/3 cup soy milk (I had a carton leftover from when I had a friend stay who only drinks soy!)
  • 1/4 cup white sugar (small packet leftover for when guests come & have coffee!)
  • 1 teaspoon natural vanilla essence
  • 3 william pears - peeled and diced
  • 1 cup water
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
  1. Preheat oven to 180°C. I just use a pan a bit like this. Line it with baking powder - It doesn't have to be neat just shove it in! Sprinkle with 1/3 cup almonds. Drizzle with 1/3 cup honey.
  2. Heat another saucepan and put the water in, get it boiling and add the apple and about 2 tablespoons of sugar and the cinnamon, let it boil down and soften - the whole aim is for it so be soft and apple pie like!
  3. Put flour into a bowl. Rub in coconut oil until mixture resembles breadcrumbs. Using a butter knife, stir in milk to form a sticky dough, adding extra milk if needed. Turn onto a floured surface. Knead gently until smooth, adding extra flour if needed.
  4. Roll dough out to a 20cm x 40cm rectangle. Combine sugar and remaining honey in a bowl. Spread over dough as best you can, leaving a 2cm border on all sides. Top with pear and remaining almonds. Carefully roll up dough from 1 long side. Trim ends. Using a serrated knife, cut into 8 slices. Place slices, cut-side up, in pan.
  5. Bake for 35 to 45 minutes or until golden and scrolls sound hollow when tapped. Stand in pan for 5 minutes. Turn onto a wire rack over a tray. 

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Banana Bread & Muffins

Morning All!

I've decided to drop the word 'paleo' from my recipes because I don't want to be influencing any more diets!

I like to cook, I like to eat and I don't count calories. The way I eat will not necessarily make you lose weight, my blog is not about weight loss or being lean. It's about loving clean, home-made food and enjoying life!

I've gained since comp day last year; 7 kilos. I never really like to talk about my weight because I don't like people comparing what they weigh with me because it just doesn't prove anything (+ I am a midget), but I just want you all to know no-one stays like the photos all year round, in order to get stronger and gain muscle we have to put back on some weight!

So for anyone who looked at my comp photos and thought I looked great, I really appreciate that but I don't look like that all year! I am using this time where I am NOT dieting to get stronger and fitter.

In addition to one comp this year I want to do the following in 2013:
  1. CrossFit Opens - I wasn't going to tell anyone but I'd rather people know there is more to my life than training to be lean, this to me is for fun and to push myself with a mini challenge! I'm not going to win, there are amazingly fit women entering this - it's just to stretch myself!
  2. Tough Mudder - Tough Mudder events are hardcore 20 km-long obstacle courses designed by British Special Forces to test your all around strength, stamina, mental grit, and camaraderie. I'm doing this with a friend from work I can't wait it's going to be FUN!
  3. Power-lifting Comp - Key words here is POWER. For my birthday I want to do the following weights:
    1. 120kg Deadlift
    2. 100kg Squat (going to be super tough)
    3. 70kg Bench Press
  4. A Figure Comp in September - I enjoy competing, I LOVE to win (I didn't even place last year but it made me come back hungrier this year to improve myself). I compete because I really enjoy it, I like the nerves and the flexing and the muscle! 
To me, I changed my diet because I felt like my digestion worked better and it made food choices easier for me. Don't ever make decisions for your own diet based off what someone else is doing. My history with food, my body and my training may be totally different to you. If you want to make big changes - speak to professionals, people who have experience and can offered you informed opinions.

I've seen a big push in 'Strong is the new Skinny' which is great I encourage women to become stronger, but STRONG does not necessarily equal ripped with a six pack which I think is the missing part of that message! If the goal post for women has just shifted from a runway model to a fitness/figure competitor we haven't really made any in-roads into body acceptance and health.

So ladies; eat because you like nice food, train because you enjoy it and love what you are doing!

For lovers of delicious things please enjoy this Banana Bread recipe!

Banana Bread (or muffins)
  • 3 bananas 
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • ¼ cup coconut oil
  • 1 cup almond flour
  • 1/3 cup coconut flour
  • ½ teaspoon celtic sea salt
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • Almonds to decorate
  • Desiccated coconut to sprinkle on top
  1. Place bananas, eggs, vanilla, honey and coconut oil in a food processor / Kitchen whiz 
  2. Whiz ingredients together
  3. Pulse in almond flour, coconut flour, salt and baking soda
  4. Pour batter into a baking paper lined loaf pan or spoon into 12 muffin case lined with baking paper
  5. Sprinkle with coconut and almonds - like picture below
  6. Bake at 190° for 55-65 minutes for loaf or 30 - 40 minutes for muffins
  7. Remove from oven and allow to cool
  8. EAT up!! 

Monday 18 February 2013

Roast Almond and Dark Chocolate Coconut Ice-Cream

Say it with me. dec·a·dent (d k -d nt, d -k d nt).

Because that's what this ice-cream is! SO delicious but gosh don't eat it every day. In fact train your butt off then enjoy it because it has a lovely calorie hit. (I just did the maths - you don't want to know - feel free to plug ingredients into calorie king, but as I said I don't want nutrition info on this blog so Google it and just keep it to yourself!)

It is relatively low in sugar but it is full of delicious things like coconut cream, roast almonds and 85% cocoa chocolate.

When I cook I'm not always thinking about my blog and I don't often measure things, especially if I am eating and cooking for enjoyment alone. I never understood when I read recipes and the cook suggested I just notice when something is cooked or add to 'taste' It would freak me out, I would be like "Well is that 1 teaspoon or 3?!?"

It's sometimes an afterthought when I realise I've created something yumm that I think 'BLOG'! Anyway the moral is this served 2 - 1 bigger serve, one smaller serve and about (1/2 cup of wastage that I didn't want to keep), but you can add more or less of the ingredients I used because truth be told I'm guesstimating what I used!

  • 1/2 cup almond milk
  • 2 x Ayam 270ml Coconut Cream
  • 1/2 cup smashed Roasted Almonds
  • Approx 1/3 block Green and Blacks 85% cocoa dark chocolate
  • 1 tsp natural vanilla essence
  1. Crush the whole almonds in a mortar and pestle
  2. Chop the chocolate up into little delicious chips
  3. Combine all ingredients in a container and whisk together
  4. Pour into Ice-cream maker - lets it do its thing for 30 minutes, enjoy!

Thursday 14 February 2013

Beef Tikka Masala with Peaches

Yeh that's right Beef Tikka Masala! Why not chicken you say? Simple. I don't eat chicken. I'm not advocating a chicken boycott guys. Stay calm, nothing is wrong with chicken.

Also I don't think I've mentioned it before but I only like my fruit like ROCK hard. These peaches were (in my books) past their crunch date so they went into the recipe too.

I was going to say it would be a great Valentines day meal but given I cooked it in the slow cooker - maybe not. I'm also not sure curry says love and romance anyhow.

P.S I made the curry paste from scratch. Yes... take THAT My Kitchen Rules!


  • 1.5kg organic grass fed blade roast  (cubed)
  • 4 small purple onions - cut into little segments
  • 1/2 butter-nut pumpkin - cubed
  • 1 cup almond milk (coconut milk would be better but I was out!)
  • 5 grape tomatoes - quartered
  • 3 peaches - peeled and diced

Tikka Masala paste
  • 2 teaspoon minced garlic
  • 1 heaped teaspoon minced ginger
  • 1 teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • 1 tablespoon paprika
  • 2 teaspoons garam masala
  • ½ teaspoon celtic sea salt
  • 2 tablespoons macadamia oil
  • 2 teaspoons hot chilli flakes
  • 1 tablespoon desiccated coconut
  • 2 tablespoons ground almonds
  • 1 teaspoon cumin seeds
  • 3 teaspoons coriander seeds

  1. Put a frying pan on a medium to high heat and add the spices for toasting to the dry pan. Lightly toast them for a few minutes until golden brown and smelling delicious, then remove the pan from the heat.
  2. Add the toasted spices to a pestle and mortar and grind until fine, add any leftover paste ingredients and just grind till its all paste like and combined. If you could be bothered by all mean whip out your food processor. But I couldn't be.
  3. Meanwhile cut an X onto the bottom of the peaches, put hem in a bowl of boiling water (in a few mins take them out and the skin will slide straight off - dice these up
  4. Add all ingredients to the slow cooker + mix about
  5. Add curry paste and mix about
  6. I cooked this on low for 8 hours and it turned out great - the pumpkin is meant to disintegrate and make the sauce - just stir to combine
  7. If you find it is too watery (a chance if you use almond milk instead of coconut milk) just let it rest and the water will rise to the top - just spoon excess off.
  8. I served this over veges - but you can do what you like with it!

Monday 11 February 2013

Choc Coconut Brownies

So I had an awesome weekend... I revisited an old brownie recipe and changed it to make it infinitely better. This is what I would call a Paleo recipe; it does have 40 gm of organic 85% cocoa chocolate in it though, if this offends you - please look away and complain elsewhere.

In the past 2 weeks I've had a few of people ask about what I eat and how I eat and can I write diets.

What I eat:
It took me a long time to work out what worked for me. What works for me may not work for you. Get educated - read - listen to people who know more than you (I am constantly learning from blogs, friends and trainers about food and nutrition!). I still indulge in treats and drink wine on occasion, to me life is for living so don't think you have to stop everything you love to be 'healthy'.

A great start for newbies is this book! Healthy Helpings TAUGHT me how to cook - I was shocking before this, well worth it! + Michelle is the bomb at everything food & training.

How I eat:
I eat regularly and reasonable sized portions. I honestly love food, I would rather wake up 30 mins earlier than I have to, to prepare a nice breakfast than have a protein shake and banana on the go. Some days I only eat 3 large meals if I'm busy, at work though I normally eat 6 meals throughout the days. Life happens you aren't going to be able to do the same thing every day ad infinitum.

Can I write diets:
No, I am not qualified, however I can give you a suggestion of things I would eat that might work for you but to be honest writing a completely personalised diet takes time so what I'd give you would be just general stuff.

Honestly if you want someone to tell you about food Rob Berridge at Revolutions in St Mary's is your guy!

He has written an off season diet for me before and it rocked! Also keep in mind most of the year I am paying someone to write my diet and I also pay someone to train me - your health is worth the investment. I spend over $4200 a year on JUST trainers and the occasional massage. I don't have sick 'threads' or an awesome wardrobe or designer everything and I rarely eat out; that isn't even including gym fees or comp fees... so you know - work out what is important to you and what you can afford. (& don't expect everything for free!).

If you are on the broke side and a one-on-one session is too exy please check out my conditioning coaches' boot camp classes (if you are in the lower mountains / Penrith area!) $10 a class and he runs them every weeknight! His business is called Mountain Fitness & Massage and you can find him on fb - the classes cater to all levels!

Lastly, if you think I am too muscly or you think my shoulders are already to large or you don't like eating and think skipping meals is good because you aren't eating calories that's cool! But please don't ask for a 'diet' and don't tell me you want to just 'tone'. Toning doesn't exist.

Anyway back to the brownies - they are delicious treats!

Ingredients: Makes 12 squares (6 serves)
  • 250 gm Sweet Potato
  • 40 gm organic 85% cocoa chocolate
  • 4 tsp coffee dissolved in 1/4 cup water
  • 1/3 cup coconut four
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • Flesh of one young coconut (Drink the water and revel in how awesome it tastes) How to open it here.
  • 1 tsp organic GF baking powder
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 tsp organic natural vanilla essence

  1. Roast the sweet potato. Do this a day in advance. Prick the skin with a fork a few times and pop it in the oven for about an hour - peel it and mush it up, leave it in the fridge for the next day - I don't know why but is makes better  baked goods once it's been cooled properly, I think the wetness goes away a bit.
  2. In the long container that comes with the stick mixer add the sweet potato, flesh of the young coconut & baking powder - whizz it about til combined
  3. Add the 4 eggs and whizz again to mix it up
  4. Meanwhile heat a little fry pan with the coconut oil - once it hot add the chocolate and melt it and add the dissolved coffee & vanilla. 
  5. While its all melted pour into the brownie batter and whizz once more.
  6. Pour batter into a lined baking dish - I think mine is 8 inch x 8 inch? But I don't really know!
  7. Cook at about 180 degrees Celsius for about 1 hour or until springy. 
  8. Let cool and cut it up into little squares and store in the fridge!
  9. ENJOY!

Monday 4 February 2013

Steak & Veges (Eating & Travelling)

This meal isn't going to rock your world but to be honest the biggest excuse I hear for people being overweight or unhealthy is time/travel for work and price of healthy foods.

I'll talk about price next post but for now here are simple ideas when travelling.

If your hotel has a hotplate - I was lucky mine did, you can cook whatever you want, no you won't have oil / seasoning or spices but it's a couple of days max, just go with it.

In a rectangular fry pan I just put it on 6 (med/high heat) put a little water in the bottom, threw in all my veges (broccolini, beans & asparagus) in a couple of minutes it pretty much steams them. I cooked the steak on a dry pan, it you have a non-stick pan you can go without oil!

I've also cooked frittata's with eggs in the fry pan and just let them set - I've told James to boil eggs in kettles too if that is all you have.

Long story short - it is easy to get creative.

In Vegas for work the food was terrible. Waffles & Cream for breakfast and crappy cuts of meat unless you wanted to pay $30-$50 for a steak. I subsided for 6 days on eggs for breakfast, dry roasted almonds from Starbucks for snacks and salads for lunch... GIANT Salads, as in I was the only person from my company to eat seconds for lunch... with a decent serve of protein with dinner.

If your new years resolution was to get healthy then stop making excuses. I have the exact same amount of hours in my day as you!

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Friday 1 February 2013

Coconut Pancakes

Coming back from holidays has not been too hard for me, aside from the alcohol my diet remained pretty much paleo whilst I was away.

My fruit intake went up significantly though - and all that sugar (and alcohol) let me return home significantly 'softer'... It's that awkward feeling when all of your comp clothes are just a bit too tight and you want to wear stretchy pants everywhere... :-/ maybe that's just me...

Anyway I had coconut water almost every morning in Thailand and I happen to love them. I don't drink them because I think its better than water or because it has some magic slimming property(it doesn't) I just like them. So once I'd drank the water I decided I wanted to use the flesh inside instead of just throwing it out. There is probably an awesome way to spilt these... I just threw it against concrete till it cracked and washed it inside... Lucky I don't own a cafĂ© eh?

PS: these pancakes have a reasonable amount of good fats. I estimate around 38gm... I ate this for a
weekend breakfast and didn't turn into the Michelin man - coconut is majority medium-chain triglycerides. My 'brother-in-law' can explain much more clearly than me why these are good to eat but in lieu of that just google if you are interested!

Ingredients - Serves 1:
  • 100gm young coconut flesh
  • 1 whole egg
  • 2 eggs whites
  • couple drops vanilla essence
  • 1 tsp psyllium husk
To Serve:
  • 1 tablespoon Greek yoghurt
  1. Heat a fry pan up to med/hot
  2. Pour all ingredients into a Stick mixer container
  3. Blitz it up and pour in the hot pans (oiled a little - I uses butter) to make 3 pancakes
  4. Serve with a dollop of Greek yoghurt